Friday, September 28, 2012

Mixed Word Problems

                A mixed word problems contain different types of word problems. The types of word problems are age problem, percent problems, quadratic problems, etc, to find the solution for the word problems first step is to analyze the word problem. After analyzing the problem use the appropriate method to find the answer.

Example on Mixed Word Problems

Example 1- Mixed word problems:
Kevin is two times old as john. The sum of their age is 30. Find the age of Kevin and john.
Given Kevin is two times old as john.
So K = 2J `=>` 1
The sum of their age is 30
So, K+J = 30 `=>` 2
Now substitute the equation 1 in equation 2
2J + J = 30.
3J = 30
Now divide by 3 on both sides
3J/3 = 30/3
J = 10.
Substitute the value of J in equation 1 to find the value of K.
K= 2 (10)
K = 20.
Kevin’s age is 20 and John’s age is 10.
Example 2 - Mixed word problems:
What is 8 percent of 100?
Given, what is 8 percent of 100
Let us take unknown as x, is is same as =, of refers ()
So what is 8 percent of 100
x = 8 %( 100)
8% = 8 /100
So the above expression would be
x = 8/100(100)
x= 8.
So 8 is 8 percent of 100.

More Example on Mixed Word Problems:

Example 3 - Mixed word problems:
The area of the rectangle is 24 cm2 and the perimeter of the rectangle is 20cm
Given, Area of the rectangle = 24cm2 and the perimeter of the rectangle is 20cm.
The formula to find the area of the rectangle is length * width
The formula to find the perimeter of the rectangle is 2*(length + width)
Let us take l as length and w as width.
l*w =24
Divide by w on both sides
l= 24/w`=>` 1
2(l+w) =20
Divide by 2 on both sides
l+w =10`=>`
24/w + w =10
24+w2 =10w
w2 -10w +24 =0
w2 – 6w-4w +24 =0
Take w as common from first two terms
Take -4 as common from last two terms
w (w-6)-4(w-6)=0
w=6 or w=4
Now substitute w=6 and w=4 in equation 1 to find the corresponding length
When w=6`=>` l=24/6 `=>` l=4
When w=4`=>` l=24/4`=>` l=6
The length of the rectangle =6 and the width of the rectangle =4.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Exponential Functions Calculator

Introduction exponential functions  calculator:
Exponential function has the form of f(x) = bx for a permanent base b which can be any positive real number. These exponential functions are defined by the fact that their rate of growth is proportional to their value.  Let us start with a population of cells so that its growth rate at any moment is proportional to its size. The number of cells after p years will then be ap, an exponential function for some a>0.

How to Calculate Exponential Function:

The exponential function calculator is used to calculate the functions involving the exponential expressions.
Rules and examples:
These are the rules that should be followed by the exponential functions calculator.
 Rule1:  axay = ax + y
           ax , here the x is called exponential function Example: 2325 = 23+5 = 28
 Rule 2:  (ax)y = axy
            Ex: (42)5 = 410
 Rule3:  (ab) x = axbx
           Ex: (3*7)3 = 3373
 Rule 4:  (`(a)/(b)` ) x = `(a^x)/(b^x)`
           Ex: (`(3)/(5)` )3 = `(3^3)/(5^3)`
 Rule 5: `(a^x)/(a^y)` = ax - y
           Ex: `(5^7)/(5^4)`  = 53
Ex 1:Simplify: 3x - 3x + 1
Solution:Step 1: Use rules:
Here apply rule1: 3x + 1 we can wriiten as 3x31 in the given expression
so , 3x - 3x + 1 written as 3x - 3x31
Step2: Factor 3x out (take common term)
            = 3x (1 - 3)
It provides the easy method of calculating the exponential functions using the exponential functions calculator.

Calculating Exponential Functions Using Calculator:

Ex1: Use this button in calulator for find exponential function.. Following points are showing how to use exponential function in a calculator.
Step 1: find the exponential value for (1.03E2)
Step 2: (1.03E2) the number is  1.03 x 102 so 
Step 3: press the following buttons.
                      1.03 EXP 2    

Step 4 : therefore answers is 103.
Ex 2: Step 1: find the exponential value for (12.3E5)
Step 2: (12.3E5) the number is  12.3 x 105 so
Step 3: press the following buttons.
                      12.3 EXP 5  
Step4 : Therefore the answer is 123000