Thursday, January 31, 2013

Angle Addition Property

In this article we are going to discuss Angle Addition Property , the terms related to Angle Addition Property and some solved problems on Angle Addition Property .

Introduction to angle addition property :

The angle addition postulate states that if a point is within an angle and you add the two angles that are made by drawing a line through the point that the total will equal the large angle. ...

Angle Addition Property

Angle Addition Property or postulate says that if there is a line segment SV lies in the interior of the angle TSR then Angle TSV + Angle VSR = Angle TSR

For example if Angle TSR = 40 degree and Angle TSV = 15 degree then the other angle will be of 25 degree.

The same property can be applied if there are two or more lines lies in the interior of an angle.

There are some important terms that are associated with Angle Addition Property

If two or more angle sums to 90 degree they are called complementary angles.

Complementary angle

If two or more angles are lies in a straight line then definitely sums to 180 degree and called Supplementary Angle.

Supplementary angle

Two or more angles sharing same side are called Adjacent Angles.

Adjacent Angle

Having problem with ------ Read my upcoming post, i will try to help you.

Lets Learn more about Angle Addition Property in Supplementary Angles


Supplementary Angles

What is the measure of Angle B if angle A is 120 degree?

Angle B + Angle A = 180

Angle B + 120 = 180

Angle B = 60 degree

Problem Based on Angle Addition Property.

Lets learn more about Angle Addition Property


Suppose Angle CAD is a complementary angle
‹CAB = 40 degree

‹EAD = 40 degree

‹BAE =  ?

Solution Angle CAB + Angle EAD + Angle BAE = Angle CAD
40 degree +40 degree + Angle BAE = 90
Angle BAE = 10 degree
What if I remove the line AB
calculate ‹CAE


‹CAE = 50 degree (‹CAB + ‹ BAE)

What if the three of the angle are of equal

Solution :Suppose each angle = x degree
X+x+x = 90
3x= 90
x= 30 degree
If Angle EAD is thrice to angle CAB

Angle BAE is 10 more to Angle CAB

Measure each angle

Let Angle CAB = x degree
Angle BAE = x+10 degree
Angle EAD = 3x
x+x+10+3x = 90
5x+10= 90
Therefore Angle CAB ,BAE ,EAD are 16 ,26 ,48 degree respectively.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Determine the Slope and Y Intercept


The slope is defined as the ratio of the "rise" divided by the "run" between two points on a line, or in other words, the ratio of the altitude change to the horizontal distance between any two points on the line. Given two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) on a line, the slope m of the line is

determine the slope and y intercept

Y intercept:

In the coordinate system, the y intercept of a line is a point at which the line cuts the Y-axis. The y-intercept of a line is denoted as (0, y)

determine the slope and y intercept

Example Problems to Determine the Slope and Y Intercept:

Example problem 1:

Determine the slope and y intercept of y = 7x - 12


Step 1: Given equation

y = 7x - 12

Step 2: The slope intercept form of a line equation is given by

y = mx + b


m → slope

b → y intercept

Step 3: Compare the given equation with the slope intercept form

By comparing the given equation with the slope intercept form, we get

m = 7     and b = - 12

Step 4: Solution

Therefore,  Slope = 7

y intercept = - 12

Example problem 2:

Determine the slope and y intercept of 2x - 5y = 4


Step 1: Given equation

2x - 5y = 4 ................... (1)

Step 2: Subtract 2x on both sides of the equation 2x - 5y = 4

2x - 5y - 2x  = 4 - 2x

- 5y = 4 - 2x

Step 3: Divide by (-5) on both sides of the equation


y = `2/5` x - `4/5`

y = 0.4x - 0.8 ............. (2)

Step 4: The slope intercept form of a line equation is given by

y = mx + b


m → slope

b → y intercept

Step 5: Compare the equation (2) with the slope intercept form of a line equation

By comparing the equation (2) with the slope intercept form, we get

m = 0.4     and b = - 0.8

Step 6: Solution

Therefore,  Slope = 0.4

y intercept = - 0.8

Example problem 3:

Determine the slope and y intercept of 9x + 3y = 0


Step 1: Given equation

9x + 3y = 0 ............ (1)

Step 2: Subtract 9x on both sides of the equation 9x + 3y = 0

9x + 3y - 9x = - 9x

3y = - 9x

Step 3: Divide by 3 on both sides of the equation


y = - 3x ............... (2)

Step 2: The slope intercept form of a line equation is given by

y = mx + b


m → slope

b → y intercept

Step 3: Compare the equation (2) with the slope intercept form of a line equation

By comparing the equation (2) with the slope intercept form, we get

m = - 3     and b = 0

Step 4: Solution

Therefore,  Slope = - 3

y intercept = 0

Practice Problems to Determine the Slope and Y Intercept:

1) Determine the slope and y intercept of y = 4x - 13

2) Determine the slope and y intercept of 5x + y = 5

3) Determine the slope and y intercept of 3/2 + 2y = 4


1) Slope = 4; y intercept = - 13

2) Slope = - 5; y intercept = 5

3) Slope = -0.75; y intercept = 2

Monday, January 28, 2013

Non Consecutive Vertices

Non consecutive vertices mean the vertices which are not in the adjacent. Here we are going to learn about the non consecutive vertices of the planes. Generally we can say opposite vertices of the polygons are called non consecutive vertices. We will see some examples for non consecutive vertices. This will help us to understand the non consecutive vertices.  Basically a vertex in a polygon refers the intersection point of two sides.

Non Consecutive Vertices:

Basically non consecutive vertices of a polygon mean the vertex which does not lies next to the other. In other words we can say the opposite vertices or the other vertices which is not lies very next to the vertex. The distance between the two vertices will give us the height or width of the polygon. If we find the distance we can calculate the area and volume of the polygon.

If we are having a polygon with n number of vertices then each polygons vertex is having n – 3 non consecutive vertices. For example if we take a square it is having 4 sides. So for each vertex it has n – 3 = 4 – 3 = 1 non consecutive vertices. We can calculate the diagonals of the square using the non consecutive vertices.

non consecutive vertices

Examples for Non Consecutive Vertices:

Example 1 for non consecutive vertices:

Find the number of non consecutive vertices in the following polygon.

non consecutive vertices - 1


In the above diagram we are having the number of sides as 6.

We know for a single vertex we have n – 3 numbers of vertices.

So for a six vertices we have 6 (n – 3) vertices = 6 (6 – 3) = 6 x 3 =18 non consecutive vertices.

Example 2 for non consecutive vertices:

Find the number of non consecutive vertices in the following polygon.

non consecutive vertices - 2


In the above diagram we are having the number of sides as 8.

We know for a single vertex we have n – 3 numbers of vertices.

So for a six vertices we have 8 (n – 3) vertices = 8 (8 – 3) = 8 x 5 =40 non consecutive vertices.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Negative Cosine Graph

Basically if we draw the cosine graph mean the graph will like a normal graph. Negative cosine graph is nothing but the negative sign in front of the cos.  A negative cosine equation will be like the following

Y = - a cos (bx +c)

Hare – sign is in front of the cosine graph. If we draw the negative cosine it will produce the reflection about the x – axis. So the negative cosine graph will be opposite to the positive graph.

Having problem with Cosine Law Read my upcoming post, i will try to help you.

Comparison between Positive and Negative Cosine Graphs:

Let us any cosine function y = ± Cos ((2πx + 3))


We want to draw the graph for both positive and negative cosine function.

Here phase shift = -c / b = -3 / 2π = -`1.5 / pi`

Period = 2π / b = 2π / 2π = 1

So the positive cosine graph will be like the following

And the negative cosine graph will be like the following

To know the difference we have to combine these two graphs. So we get

From the above we know the positive cosine graph will reflect the negative cosine graph. Here the red line graph indicates positive cosine graph and the black line graph indicates the negative cosine graph.

Example for Negative Cosine Graph:

Example 1:

Draw the graph for the following function y = - 5 Cos x


Here the amplitude is 5 and this is having a negative sign with it. So it is a negative cosine graph. Here the period is 2π and there is no  phase shift. So the graph will be

Example 2:

Draw the graph for the following function y = - 0.5 Cos (π x / 6)


Here the amplitude is 0.5 and this is having a negative sign with it. So it is a negative cosine graph. Here the period is 2π / (π / 6) = 12 and there is no phase shift. So the graph will be

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Quadrilateral Trapezoid

A quadrilateral is a two-dimensional figure created by connecting four segments endpoint to endpoint with each segment intersecting exactly two others. It also has four sides and four angles. Sum of interior angle of any polygon is (n-2) *180o. Here quadrilateral has four sides so interior angle is (4-2)*180o = 360o.Exterior angle of any polygon is 360o so the exterior angle of a quadrilateral is 360 degree.



Characteristics of Trapezoid :-

The trapezoid is a type of a quadrilateral.
A pair of opposite equal sides is known as trapezoid.
A trapezoid has unequal sides.
Normally the trapezoid has no lines of symmetry.
A trapezoid is an irregular shape.
Two trapezoids can be used to form a Parallelogram.
There will be one pair of parallel lines in a trapezoid
Perimeter of a trapezoid is to sum all the length’s of the trapezoid
Perimeter = a + b + c + B
Area of a trapezoid is ½ h ( B + b )
The sum of the adjacent angles are equal to 180o
The sum of all the interior angles are equal to 360o
Isosceles trapezoid is a type or trapezoid

Isosceles Trapezoid

isoscles trapezoid
                   Isosceles trapezoid

Characteristics of  Isosceles Trapezoid :-

The Isosceles trapezoid is a type of trapezoid.
If non-parallel pair of opposite sides of a trapezium is equal then it is called as isosceles trapezium.
The angles on the both sides of the base are equal
The sum of the adjacent angles are equal to 180o
There will be one pair of parallel lines in a Isosceles trapezoid
There will be one pair of opposite sides which are equal
In a Isosceles trapezoid diagonals are equal
The sum of two adjacent angles are equal to 180o
The sum of all the interior angles are equal to 360o

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Calculate Angles in a Triangle

In mathematics, the triangles are nothing but the shapes which is made by 3 lines in topic geometry. In geometry, the sides are used to calculate the angles in triangles. The classification of triangles is named as Equilateral triangle, scalene triangle, Isosceles triangle, Right triangle, obtuse triangle, and acute triangle. The formula to calculate the angles in triangles are given below.

Calculate Angles in a Triangle – Formulas:

In geometry, there are different types of formulas to calculate the values of angles in the triangles. To calculate the angles value of right angle triangles we are having certain formulas based on the sides. Let as consider x, y and z are the three sides of the right angle triangles and X is the angles of the right angle triangles. Then Pythagoras theorem is used to calculate the value of angles in right triangles.

The Right Angle Triangles are shown below:

Right angle triangle

Formulas to calculate the angles of the right triangles are given as,

Sin A = x/z

cos A = y/z

Tan A = x/y

Formula to calculate the sides of the right triangles is given as,

x2 + y2 = z2

Calculate Angles in a Triangle – Examples:

Example 1: Calculate the angles A using the given data x = 5 and y = 8?


From the given data x = 5 and y = 8

The diagram is given as,

Example 1

Formula to calculate the sides of the right triangles is given as,

x2 + y2 = z2

52 + 82 = z2

25 + 64 = z2

z2 = 89

z = 9.4

Formulas to calculate the angles of the right triangles are given as,

Sin A = x/z

Sin A = 5/9.4

Sin A = .53

A = Sin-1 (.53)

A = 32.13

Example 2: Calculate the angles A using the given data x= 8 and z = 14?


From the given data x= 8 and z = 14

The diagram is given as,

Example 2

Formulas to calculate the angles of the right triangles are given as,

Sin A = x/z

Sin A = 8/14

Sin A = .57

A = Sin-1 (.57)

A = 34.84

Calculate angles in a triangle - Practice problem:

Problem 1: Calculate the angles A using the given data x= 6 and y = 17?

Answer is given below:

z = 18.02

A = 19.26

Problem 2:Calculate the angles A using the given data x= 5 and z = 14.6?

Answer is given below:

A = 11.86

Monday, January 21, 2013

Frequency Table Values that are on a Limit

A frequency table deals with the process of data that count the number of times for each set of data, the value of count with data process in a set is called as a frequency table. It has presented in a particular value of data and the table has a count of values that shows in the raw data. This is a process which can create a frequency table in a typically raw data. Let us see about the frequency table values that are on limits.

frequency table values that are on a limit

Frequency Table Values that are on a Limit:

The frequency table has different types which has follows.
  • Frequency table of angular:
      It is define in the rate of alteration and orientation slant in the phase of a sinusoidal waveform.
  • Frequency table of grouped:
      It is use to forming a group of data information in the given values.
  • Frequency table of cumulative grouped:
      A cumulative frequency grouped table is a sum of frequencies in the group table satisfying the given conditions which define the entire of all grouped frequencies in a frequency distribution.
  • Frequency table of simple:
       It is a function of forming a simple data collection in the given values.
  • Frequency table of cumulative:
       A cumulative frequency table is the summation of frequencies that satisfying the given conditions which describe the entire of all frequencies in a frequency distribution.

Example Problem for Frequency Table of Limit Value:

Find the following table of showing the marks assignments in a set of a 10thclass of 20 students.
To set this data of information in a frequency table.
Step 1:
        To set given marks of data in the frequency table and create a set of two rows and three columns in them with the marks listed in them.
            Marks           Tally       Frequency

Step 2:
We can enter the highest mark of the students from the list in the table as follows.

            Marks           Tally       Frequency



Step 3:
            We can find the student marks data of all information in the table. We can find the information of the frequency in the given marks of the students as shown.

            Marks           Tally       Frequency

These are the brief on frequency table values that are on limits.